Editor’s Note July 2014

In Late May we all returned from a photo-shoot down in LA to find that a supply line to the toilet on the second floor of the Chateau By The Sea flooded everything. We gathered what we could and decamped to a local hotel for as of yet undetermined length of stay. Then near mid-month, as is custom here in the States, our offspring stopped going to school and instead became consumers of our time and budgets. Bless their hearts.

The more we were distracted, the more we craved a pleasant distraction…and we settled on the Autumn/Fall fashions from New Look. When an uplifting moment was needed we didn’t need to look further than Keena Turner’s Golf Tournament which benefitted the Boys & Girls Club of Tracy, CA

The energetic splashing of children as viewed from poolside reminded us of the importance of staying healthy. To that end we feature articles about exercise, building muscle to improve your health in later years and three simple things you can do today to feel better tomorrow and breast Cancer in this issue.

We want to introduce you to a friend of ours from LA way who is building his brand and his business by presenting our culture as is should be presented – without preconception or prejudice. Saul Maldonado is a man to watch and a voice for the community.

Inspiration continues as we visit the Citibank ProCamps of Colin Kaepernick and Patrick Willis. From field to ring we highlight the latest in ShowTime Boxing.

Our cover model and actress, Vannessa Vasquez, recounts her litany of hard work before landing a lead role in a popular online series.

In Europe, Red Bull’s owner has single-handedly brought Grand Prix Formula One racing back to Austria. A newly update track and facilities in an otherwise out of the way location makes for a distinct change from other F1 venues.

Speaking of new and updated, the Peninsula Hotel in Paris has been extensively remodeled and is now open for business. Page through the exquisite photos and picture yourself there.

Speaking of dreamtime, we have found a place we’d like you to visit for the cutest lingerie. If you’d prefer that the store come to you, see if you are in range of the Bus Shoppe.

With the World Cup taking over the airways, we take a look at the hairstyles that made Soccer history.

Lastly we feature one of our own photographers Pablo and his band “The Dead Lilies.”


As we press on into July and small voices repeatedly ask how they will be amused each and every day, I am tempted to provide them with cameras and publishing a children’s art section in July. We will see. The only rule will be no photographs of staff while we are working. To Purchase this issue click on the link below.
