Editor’s Note November 2014

The feeling of Fall has finally found its way to the grounds of the Chateau By The Sea. The leaves on the one deciduous tree outside the panorama window have begun to turn. Don’t ask us non-gardeners to tell the different between seasonal changes and die-back due to drought…that’s not our area of focus. But from this we do take the concept that change is a constant.

Adapting change to the human form in a way which allows for variety brings us to our first article about make-up…by make-up artist Sabrina Ozuna. From face painting to art in a larger sense, a huge exhibition which brought together works from over 750 artists in the art – Silicon Valley / San Francisco Mega Gallery.

After art follows form, and we were treated to some fine forms making the rounds at the Jerry Rice / Steve Young Golf Classic. Faster forms sailed the Bay Area waters during the Rolex FARR/40 race this last month. And speaking of racing AND form, meet the young man who is making a name for himself in MotoGP motorcycle racing.

One of our local NFL teams is still in search of their first win, but winning sports fashion is as easy as a trip to your local Macy’s. The bonus catch was some one-on-one time with San Francisco 49er great Dwight Clark.

In keeping with the theme of stadiums, Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias know how to fill one with their most recent Sex & Love tour. Hotness onstage shifts diagonally into hot off the runway… as we view the newest fashions from New York and Tokyo as part of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.

Fashion gala to Fiesta de la calle, we cover the Latin GRAMMY Street Party’s visit (#3 of 5) to Los Angeles. And speaking of organization, we check in on a sports camp which offers instruction to the instructors.

Locally, the spectre of the orange gourd has finally past over us…and our State highway will no longer be clogged by slack-jawed, two-income types who bring their kids to this region to pick out their pumpkins. Our questionable Halloween outfits have been laundered and packed away. With the department store Muzak tracks ready to be switched over, all that remains is to acknowledge that the 2014 Holidaze have begun. Spend wisely. Enjoy.